Just Pool Leaks    

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Just Pool Leaks utilizes proven technology to find vinyl liner leaks fast . . . without dye . . . without draining the pool . . . and without getting into the water. Just Pool Leaks eliminates the frustrating, expensive and time consuming task of visually inspecting every inch of a liner. While standing on the deck the operator is able to first establish a leaks general area, then pinpoint even the smallest leaks in minutes. This technology is effective in any water containing vessel with an electrically insulating shell, (vinyl, fiberglass, acrylic, etc.)


A unused pool with a bad liner can collect sitting water which attracts mosquito's which carry a lot of diseases and they sure are an eye sore.
Most pools we look at don't just have one leak but 5-10 leaks. Our system can find them fast allowing us to spend less time looking and more time fixing, saving you money and down time with your pool. Why buy a new liner when you can patch the leaks for a fraction of the cost. This process saves you time and money, You don't have to drain the pool saving you money on water and chemicals.
Call us now and we can help.      636-387-8453 Ask for Steve!   
or email us at swbrown500@charter.net
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